We reduce the cost of electricity in your company

We get and sign the best energy purchase option in the electricity market for your company

As experts in energy efficiency we help you in the efficient purchase of energy in the electricity market. In this way, you will benefit from variable energy costs and significant savings on your electricity bill.

The volatility of energy prices (electricity and gas) and the speculative movements of the market in times of maximum contracting make the task of contracting your company’s energy a strategic decision.

What is energy purchase management?

It consists of defining the best contracting strategy that allows you to obtain the best price for electricity and gas . The purchase of energy is only one of the key aspects for the correct management of energy efficiency .

There are different types of contract where POOL positions and/or short, medium and long term fixed price positions are combined. For this reason, it is necessary that those in charge of building the best possible energy contracting strategy for you are experts in energy management who adjust your energy costs to the way your company consumes and buy electricity in the electricity market of futures at the right time.

In this way you will benefit from variable energy costs and significant potential savings on your electricity bill.

The 3 keys to reduce the risks in your company’s energy purchase


A deep knowledge of the operation of the electricity markets – OMIE, OMIP – in addition to gas – Brent price, Exchange Rate, TTF, MibGas as well as your internal processes and their demands helps to make the right decisions, and to propose scenarios that allow control your budget in advance.


Extensive experience in monitoring electricity and gas markets where having experts becomes essential. Engineers with previous work experience developed in energy trading companies provide peace of mind and security.


To contracts of different modalities to those carried out up to now. In the definition of the purchase strategy, the choice between the type of contract (variable or fixed price) and the moment of fixing the price become extremely important.

You will gain in Profitability and Competitiveness

We will ensure your confidence Thanks to our technical capacity and savings guarantees.

Independence and transparency We negotiate from your side of the table. Your benefit is ours.

You will gain in competitiveness

We help you in decision making

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Clients who trust us

Do you know our energy purchase service?

Continuous monitoring (sensory and visualization platform)
  • Daily and monthly consumption and costs of active energy (electricity and gas) of your installation
  • Generation of consumption alarms (power, reactive, excessive consumption…)
  • Integration and analysis of capacitive reactive energy (new regulation June 1)
Continuous advice from an energy manager assigned to your account to:
  • Control and evolution of future OMIP, TTF and MibGAS markets, Brent price, €-$ exchange rate
  • Definition and modeling of the internal consumption of your installation. feasibility analysis market options
  • Simulations and predictions of electricity and gas costs based on global consumption control analyzed
  • It will become the channel for all the necessary interactions with the different agents of the system
  • They will advise and accompany you throughout the energy purchase process (electricity and gas).
Creation of an energy saving committee (InycomEnergy-Empresa) to:
  • Quarterly energy monitoring (Inycom-Empresa).
  • Accompaniment service and verification of savings achieved
  • Awareness and training sessions for middle managers and managers
ServicesEnergy Markets
Sensors for a general electricity meter for installation
General meter sensory Installation Gas (ERM)
Advanced software for consumption control and market evolution- EnergyBI
Visualization software customization
On Line Cost Simulation Daily and Monthly Electricity Bill
Simulation of costs On Line Daily and monthly Gas Bill
Cost simulation Reactive energy and Capacitive reactive energy
Generation of consumption alarms (power, reactive, excessive consumption…)
OMIE and MibGAS daily market evolution control
Control of future OMIE and MibGAS market evolution
Advice on the purchase of energy (electricity and gas).
Definition of processes and internal consumption. Feasibility analysis market options
Simulations and predictions of electricity cost based on global consumption control
Simulations and predictions of gas cost based on global consumption control
Quarterly energy monitoring committee (Inycom-Empresa).
Verification of savings achieved
Awareness and training sessions for middle managers and managers

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