Netik 360. Energy monitoring of your company

Energy Data Analysis Service for energy and cost savings

Netik 360 is a personalized energy data analysis service for your company

As a proprietary tool developed by Inycom Energy, Netik 360 is not only responsible for measuring and analyzing energy consumption data, but also processes it to draw conclusions and make decisions more easily.

The importance of the data is to be analyzed and processed methodically. For this reason, Netik 360 helps you convert energy Big Data into useful data and relevant information about your industrial plant.

We want to be your external energy management department

  • Our continuous support and close under the figure of ENERGY MANAGER, in addition to our extensive experience in the energy management and industrial processes sector, will work with a proven methodology in an exhaustive analysis of energy big data, which will provide you with the precise information so that you can take strategic decisions for your business.
  • The ability to allocate energy expenditure to the process will generate direct traceability between your operations and your energy consumption, thus identifying best practices in the operation .

Benefits that NETIK brings you


The experience accumulated by the Data Analysts and the Energy Manager associated with your project, together with a clear program of project milestones, will be the key in the path towards continuous energy improvement, towards greater control and, of course, towards cost reduction. energy (SAVING)


We believe in energy management based on data, KPI’s and indicators and it may be the case that, after making an investment in monitoring equipment, the neither the knowledge nor the time to be able to exploit the data and convert it into relevant information that adds value to your organization (resources).


We will manage the energy management in your installation with the appropriate methodology, giving you control and turning the energy data into relevant information for you. generating greater savings and making your organization more profitable, while reducing CO2 emissions.

Do you want to know more about Netik 360? : The Challenges and Achievements of Energy Efficiency from Reengineering in a Client of the Auxiliary Automotive Sector

Clients who trust us

Find out which Netik360 is right for your company

Study and analysis map of company processes and origins of the information to be analyzed
Knowledge and review of existing energy policies in the company
Identification of areas of significant energy use in the company
Identify, prioritize and record opportunities to improve energy performance
Creation of an energy committee to establish energy objectives and goals.
Analysis of the relevant variables of the company that affect energy consumption.
Implement the performance evaluation method in energy management
Study of the adoption of new technologies and development of a Solar PV feasibility study
Identification of the potential for improvement of the installation. Definition, development
Calculation of potential economic savings and reduction of environmental impact
Financial analysis of investments
Monitoring and verification of the savings measures implemented
Definition and monitoring of general energy performance indicators of the installation Optional
Bi-monthly meetings of the Savings Committee: Control of energy baselines
Detection and quantification of losses in the air network by ultrasound Optional
Thermographic analysis of facilities
Training for people who work in the EnMS
Certification of the energy management system (ISO 50001)

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