energy eco-efficiency
We minimize your operational costs and reduce your carbon footprint
Energy eco-efficiency implies cleaner production, with higher quality and proper time management, so complementing it with proper environmental management can help you generate real opportunities for improvement in your processes and activities.
Our goal is for your company to boost innovation, growth and competitiveness through eco-efficiency.
What is Energy Eco-efficiency?
Eco-efficiency seeks to ensure the best way to produce and to do so with the least amount of waste.
It is a cleaner production, with higher quality and with adequate time management. Complementing it with methodical environmental management should provide opportunities to improve activities or processes.
Eco-efficiency = value of the product or service / environmental impact
Environmental and energy eco-efficiency as a strategy is much more powerful in terms of energy saving potential than the classic one oriented towards process efficiency, since it analyzes direct consumption (in use) and indirect consumption throughout the product’s life cycle or service.
In this way, detailed surveillance is given to the use of energy, materials, water, etc ., where all available and economically rational measures are applied to achieve more production using less .
How do we measure Eco-efficiency?
Here a new term appears such as Carbon Footprint , this being the indicator of the degree of eco-efficiency of the company. Carrying out the calculation of the Carbon Footprint and a detailed examination of its final results, we will discover that costs can be saved for the company.
Energy sustainability must then be achieved from energy savings, as a consequence of a high degree of energy efficiency.
Most of the measures and initiatives carried out have paid attention to the efficiency in the final energy, leaving aside the indirect consumption of energy embedded in materials, transport and water necessary to manufacture the products we consume and that nevertheless induce a large amount of energy consumption.

The application of the concepts of carbon footprint, water footprint and comprehensive waste management have as their ultimate goal the adoption of business strategies aimed at improving performance and eliminating losses within production processes.
Our services to improve your level of energy eco-efficiency
CO2 Management –Carbon Footprint

Our Carbon Footprint calculation service applies to any type of organization or activity.
It begins with the analysis of the production cycle and organizational structure, field visits, direct and indirect data collection of each of the identified emission sources.
We accompany you until the verification of your carbon footprint by certification bodies.
Water Management – Water Footprint

Aimed at companies that want to improve their performance in water management, achieve a sustainable water balance based on studies on its use in industrial activities with the aim of detecting inefficiencies and potential for improvement in order to propose measures that reduce and optimize consumption, achieving with it a lower environmental impact and more competitive management systems.
We help you by developing Water Efficiency Studies, Water Balance and Water Footprint Consulting
Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

Service aimed at public or private companies. We evaluate the environmental impact associated with a product, process or activity, from the extraction of raw materials to the use and end of life of the product, once it has been discarded
It allows companies to make decisions and be aware of how to improve their product environmentally.
In our service we work all the stages from the definition of objectives and scope, Inventory, Evaluation of Impacts and Interpretation of results.
Environmental Risk Analysis (ARA)

The Environmental Responsibility Law, which with its successive modifications and extensions have resulted in requiring the constitution of a compulsory financial guarantee for the activities of annex III of Law 26/2007, of October 23, classified as priority level 3. Activities within priority 3 must comply with the preparation of an Environmental Risk Analysis (ARA).
With our service we will define the economic amount resulting from the potential damage that may be caused to the environment and we will determine the financial guarantee, constituting it, either through an insurance policy, a bank guarantee or a technical reserve.
Benefit from our Eco-efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction Services
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